Position: Start » Uganda

Uganda latitude and longitude

We have 73 cities in Uganda in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.

Lat-long coorditates for cities in Uganda are in range: Latitude from -1.28538 to 3.66088 and longitude from 29.65 to 34.66659.

Too many cities to show in list (73 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:

A (3) | B (9) | E (1) | F (1) | G (1) | H (1) | I (1) | J (1) | K (20) | L (4) | M (13) | N (7) | P (4) | R (1) | S (2) | T (1) | W (2) | Y (1) |
Adjumani (Northern Region)
Apac (Northern Region)
Arua (Northern Region)
Bugembe (Eastern Region)
Bugiri (Eastern Region)
Bundibugyo (Western Region)
Busembatia (Eastern Region)
Busia (Eastern Region)
Buwenge (Eastern Region)
Bweyogerere (Central Region)
Bwizibwera (Western Region)
Byakabanda (Central Region)
Entebbe (Central Region)
Fort Portal (Western Region)
Gulu (Northern Region)
Hoima (Western Region)
Iganga (Eastern Region)
Jinja (Eastern Region)
Kabale (Western Region)
Kajansi (Central Region)
Kampala (Central Region)
Kamuli (Eastern Region)
Kamwenge (Western Region)
Kanungu (Western Region)
Kapchorwa (Eastern Region)
Kasese (Western Region)
Kayunga (Central Region)
Kibale (Western Region)
Kiboga (Central Region)
Kigorobya (Western Region)
Kilembe (Western Region)
Kireka (Central Region)
Kisoro (Western Region)
Kitgum (Northern Region)
Kotido (Northern Region)
Kumi (Eastern Region)
Kyenjojo (Western Region)
Kyotera (Central Region)
Lira (Northern Region)
Lugazi (Central Region)
Luwero (Central Region)
Lyantonde (Central Region)
Margherita (Western Region)
Masaka (Central Region)
Masindi (Western Region)
Masindi Port (Western Region)
Mayuge (Eastern Region)
Mbale (Eastern Region)
Mbarara (Western Region)
Mityana (Central Region)
Moroto (Northern Region)
Moyo (Northern Region)
Mpigi (Central Region)
Mubende (Central Region)
Mukono (Central Region)
Nakasongola (Central Region)
Namasuba (Central Region)
Nebbi (Northern Region)
Njeru (Central Region)
Ntungamo (Western Region)
Ntungamo (Western Region)
Nyachera (Western Region)
Pader (Northern Region)
Pader Palwo (Northern Region)
Paidha (Northern Region)
Pallisa (Eastern Region)
Rukungiri (Western Region)
Sironko (Eastern Region)
Soroti (Eastern Region)
Tororo (Eastern Region)
Wakiso (Central Region)
Wobulenzi (Central Region)
Yumbe (Northern Region)

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