Suriname latitude and longitude
We have 10 cities in Suriname in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.
Lat-long coorditates for cities in Suriname are in range: Latitude from 5.06667 to 5.95 and longitude from -56.98333 to -54.05.
Too many cities to show in list (10 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:
A (1) | B (1) | G (1) | L (1) | M (1) | N (2) | O (1) | P (1) | T (1) |Albina (Marowijne )
Brokopondo (Brokopondo )
Groningen (Saramacca )
Lelydorp (Wanica )
Moengo (Marowijne )
Nieuw Amsterdam (Commewijne )
Nieuw Nickerie (Nickerie )
Onverwacht (Para )
Paramaribo (Paramaribo )
Totness (Coronie )
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