Position: Start » Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone latitude and longitude

We have 46 cities in Sierra Leone in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.

Lat-long coorditates for cities in Sierra Leone are in range: Latitude from 7.24611 to 9.58893 and longitude from -13.28972 to -10.37135.

Too many cities to show in list (46 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:

B (11) | D (1) | F (3) | G (2) | H (2) | K (8) | L (1) | M (7) | P (4) | R (1) | S (2) | T (2) | W (1) | Y (1) |
Baoma (Southern Province)
Barma (Eastern Province)
Binkolo (Northern Province)
Blama (Eastern Province)
Bo (Southern Province)
Boajibu (Eastern Province)
Bomi (Southern Province)
Bonthe (Southern Province)
Buedu (Eastern Province)
Bumpe (Southern Province )
Bunumbu (Eastern Province )
Daru (Eastern Province )
Foindu (Southern Province )
Freetown (Western Area )
Freetown (Western Area )
Gandorhun (Southern Province )
Gandorhun (Southern Province )
Hangha (Eastern Province )
Hastings (Western Area )
Kabala (Northern Province )
Kailahun (Eastern Province )
Kamakwie (Northern Province )
Kambia (Northern Province )
Kassiri (Northern Province )
Kenema (Eastern Province )
Koidu (Eastern Province )
Kukuna (Northern Province )
Lunsar (Northern Province )
Magburaka (Northern Province )
Makeni (Northern Province )
Mambolo (Northern Province )
Mamboma (Southern Province )
Masingbi (Northern Province )
Motema (Eastern Province )
Moyamba (Southern Province )
Panguma (Eastern Province )
Pendembu (Eastern Province )
Port Loko (Northern Province )
Pujehun (Southern Province )
Rokupr (Northern Province )
Segbwema (Eastern Province )
Sumbuya (Southern Province )
Tintafor (Northern Province )
Tombodu (Eastern Province )
Waterloo (Western Area )
Yengema (Eastern Province )

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