Papua New Guinea latitude and longitude
We have 31 cities in Papua New Guinea in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.
Lat-long coorditates for cities in Papua New Guinea are in range: Latitude from -10.31509 to -2.0341 and longitude from 141.26667 to 155.56598.
Too many cities to show in list (31 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:
A (3) | B (2) | D (1) | G (1) | I (1) | K (8) | L (2) | M (4) | P (2) | R (1) | T (1) | V (2) | W (3) |Aitape (Sandaun)
Alotau (Milne Bay)
Arawa (Bougainville)
Buka (Bougainville)
Bulolo (Morobe)
Daru (Western Province)
Goroka (Eastern Highlands)
Ialibu (Southern Highlands)
Kainantu (Eastern Highlands)
Kavieng (New Ireland)
Kerema (Gulf)
Kimbe (West New Britain)
Kiunga (Western Province)
Kokoda (Northern Province)
Kokopo (East New Britain)
Kundiawa (Chimbu)
Lae (Morobe)
Lorengau (Manus)
Madang (Madang)
Mendi (Southern Highlands)
Minj (Jiwaka)
Mount Hagen (Western Highlands)
Popondetta (Northern Province)
Port Moresby (National Capital)
Rabaul (East New Britain)
Tari (Hela)
Vanimo (Sandaun)
Vanimo (Sandaun)
Wabag (Enga)
Wau (Morobe)
Wewak (East Sepik)
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