Position: Start » Kazakhstan » Qaraūyl

Qaraūyl, Kazakhstan latitude longitude

Decimal latitude and longitude coordinates for Qaraūyl (Kazakhstan): 48.94509, 79.25502

More about Qaraūyl Lat-Long position

Qaraūyl is located in Kazakhstan country, in Asia continent (or region) [*transcontinental]. DMS latitude longitude coordinates for Qaraūyl are: 48°56'42.32"N, 79°15'18.07"E.
• Latitude position: Equator ⇐ 5442km (3382mi) ⇐ Qaraūyl ⇒ 4565km (2836mi) ⇒ North pole.
• Longitude position: Prime meridian ⇒ 5507km (3422mi) ⇒ Qaraūyl. GMT: +5h.
• Local time in Qaraūyl: Saturday 3:15 am, September 21, 2024. [*time info]


Step for grid lines is 15°. On second map 45° latitude and 75° longitude line is numbered. Map pointer shows the 48.95, 79.26 lat-long coordinates.

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[*time info] Shown time is in moment when this page is generated. For more accurate time in Qaraūyl visit timein.org (new window).

[*transcontinental] Some countries are spanning more than one continent. Shown continent is same for all cities in this country, but sometimes city is not in this region. You can see the real position on map.

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