Kazakhstan / B.. cities
List of the cities in Kazakhstan starting with B--. Click on city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.
List of the cities in Kazakhstan starting with "B":
Bakanas (Almaty Oblysy )Balkashino (Aqmola )
Balpyk Bī (Almaty Oblysy )
Balqash (Qaraghandy )
Balyqshy (Atyraū )
Batamshinskiy (Aqtöbe )
Bayanaūyl (Pavlodar )
Bayganin (Aqtöbe )
Baykonyr (Bayqongyr Qalasy )
Belūsovka (East Kazakhstan )
Bestöbe (Aqmola )
Beyneu (Mangghystaū )
Bishkul (Soltüstik Qazaqstan )
Borodūlīkha (East Kazakhstan )
Borovskoy (Qostanay )
Būlaevo (Soltüstik Qazaqstan )
Būrabay (Soltüstik Qazaqstan )
Burunday (Almaty Oblysy )
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