Jamaica latitude and longitude
We have 33 cities in Jamaica in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.
Lat-long coorditates for cities in Jamaica are in range: Latitude from 17.81007 to 18.49358 and longitude from -78.17356 to -76.40927.
Too many cities to show in list (33 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:
A (1) | B (3) | C (1) | E (1) | F (1) | H (2) | K (1) | L (3) | M (4) | N (1) | O (3) | P (5) | R (1) | S (5) | Y (1) |Annotto Bay (Saint Mary)
Black River (St. Elizabeth)
Bog Walk (Saint Catherine)
Bull Savanna (St. Elizabeth)
Constant Spring (Saint Andrew)
Ewarton (Saint Catherine)
Falmouth (Trelawny )
Half Way Tree (Saint Andrew )
Hayes (Clarendon )
Kingston (Kingston )
Linstead (Saint Catherine )
Lionel Town (Clarendon )
Lucea (Hanover )
Mandeville (Manchester )
May Pen (Clarendon )
Montego Bay (Saint James )
Morant Bay (Saint Thomas )
New Kingston (Saint Andrew )
Ocho Rios (Saint Ann )
Old Harbour (Saint Catherine )
Old Harbour Bay (Saint Catherine )
Point Hill (Saint Catherine )
Port Antonio (Portland )
Port Maria (Saint Mary )
Portmore (Saint Catherine )
Porus (Manchester )
Runaway Bay (Saint Ann )
Saint Ann’s Bay (Saint Ann )
Santa Cruz (St. Elizabeth )
Savanna-la-Mar (Westmoreland )
Spanish Town (Saint Catherine )
Stony Hill (Saint Andrew )
Yallahs (Saint Thomas )
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