Iceland latitude and longitude
We have 12 cities in Iceland in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.
Lat-long coorditates for cities in Iceland are in range: Latitude from 63.93311 to 66.07475 and longitude from -23.13498 to -14.39484.
Too many cities to show in list (12 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:
A (2) | B (1) | E (1) | G (1) | H (1) | I (1) | K (1) | M (1) | R (1) | S (2) |Akranes (West )
Akureyri (Northeast )
Borgarnes (West )
Egilsstaðir (East )
Garðabær (Capital Region )
Hafnarfjörður (Capital Region)
Ísafjörður (Westfjords)
Kópavogur (Capital Region)
Mosfellsbær (Capital Region)
Reykjavík (Capital Region)
Sauðárkrókur (Northwest)
Selfoss (South)
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