Botswana latitude and longitude
We have 29 cities in Botswana in our database. Find the city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.
Lat-long coorditates for cities in Botswana are in range: Latitude from -26.05 to -17.81667 and longitude from 21.78333 to 27.84296.
Too many cities to show in list (29 items), filter by clicking on starting letter of the city:
F (1) | G (3) | J (1) | K (3) | L (3) | M (7) | O (2) | P (1) | R (2) | S (3) | T (3) |Francistown (North East )
Gabane (Kweneng )
Gaborone (South East )
Ghanzi (Ghanzi )
Janeng (South East )
Kanye (Southern )
Kasane (North West )
Kopong (South East )
Letlhakane (Central )
Letlhakeng (Kweneng )
Lobatse (South East )
Mahalapye (Central )
Maun (North West )
Metsemotlhaba (Kweneng )
Mochudi (Kgatleng )
Mogoditshane (Kweneng )
Molepolole (Kweneng )
Mosopa (Southern )
Orapa (Central )
Otse (South East )
Palapye (Central )
Rakops (Central )
Ramotswa (South East )
Selebi-Phikwe (Central )
Serowe (Central )
Shakawe (North West )
Thamaga (Kweneng )
Tonota (Central )
Tshabong (Kgalagadi )
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