Position: Start » Australia » F..

Australia / F.. cities

List of the cities in Australia starting with F--. Click on city to get latitude and longitude coordinates.

List of the cities in Australia starting with "F":

Fairfield (Victoria)
Fairfield East (New South Wales)
Fairfield Heights (New South Wales)
Fairlight (New South Wales)
Fairy Meadow (New South Wales)
Fawkner (Victoria)
Ferntree Gully (Victoria)
Ferny Hills (Queensland)
Findon (South Australia)
Fitzroy (Victoria)
Flemington (Victoria)
Flinders View (Queensland)
Footscray (Victoria)
Forest Hill (Victoria)
Forest Hill (Victoria)
Forest Lake (Queensland)
Forestville (New South Wales)
Forster (New South Wales)
Frankston (Victoria)
Frankston East (Victoria)
Frankston North (Victoria)
Frankston South (Victoria)
Fremantle (Western Australia)
Freshwater (New South Wales)

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